Many times, while selling a house, apartment, or any other type of property, we don’t realize that the pictures we use are a very important element that graphically describes the property and its surroundings. If you do not use the appropriate photographs, customers discard the property without ever having visited the place. Many “real estate agents” or people who claim to be one, don’t think about this, as demonstrated in the blog by Andy Donaldson “Terrible Real Agent Photographs“. We chose the 15 worst photographs used by real estate agents to promote homes for sale:
1. It is nice to know that there are very close couples who like to do everything together, even having long conversations in the bathroom while playing with their pets. However, details such as dog food or a chair near the toilet can become funny rather than elegant.
2. A fully furnished room is very important in photographs, because it gives the buyer an idea of how to distribute the furniture, and also gives an attractive view to the picture. However choose well what furniture to use, and be sure not to use your car seat as a couch even if you’re a gearhead.
3.-Â Â Some times an extra bathroom rises the value of a property, sometimes it does the opposite.
4.- This house includes the mascot.
5.- The chimney is an attractive and decorative element in any living room, unless you put a picture of a fire in it.
6.- The previous homeowners hated when someone peed in the shower, so they came up with this cleaver solution.
7. Apparently the former tenants of this house left a small warning to those interested in purchasing this property. If you want your property to sell fast, be sure to clean up a bit before the taking a photo, and to remove any life threatening message from the walls.
8. It’s nice to see a room painted with attractive colors, but be sure to use paint properly and limit yourself to the walls.
9.-Â Nothing wrong on this picture, right?
10.- Do you think this property has small areas or the owners tried to give a minimalist touch to the decoration?
11.- Even if you use good quality tiling in the bathrooms, the design you use to install may not be appreciated by all potential buyers.
12.- Space optimization is good, but be sure you fully understand the concept before doing something like this.
13.- While a fully furnished kitchen is nice, think twice before thinking of doing something like this.
14.- There are only three things more depressive than this picture: the couch, the wallpaper and the limited space of the living room.
15. Its important that the photographs of the bedrooms show their distribution, including the bed, closets, furniture, etc. Just make sure you use a nice bedspreads and not to include someone sleeping in it.
Remember that a picture is worth more than a thousand words. That’s why we give you the following tips when you’re promoting a house for sale:
• Use good quality photographs that are not pixilated, that are very small and make sure they have a good resolution.
• Photograph areas that are clean and in good condition. Choose the angles that make the space look wide.
• If you are going to include furniture, prevent overloading the walls and areas with ornaments or unnecessary items that are of no use to sell the concept of space shown.
• In the case of houses that need renovations, choose the environments in better customer and specify the state of the property.